
"When Allison approached me to co-teach an innovative course with her on personal branding, Project You: Building and Extending Your Personal Brand, I couldn't anticipate what a joy it would be to work with her and help make an impact on brilliant and inspirational graduate students at Stanford. Allison brings such energy, commitment and empathy to our students and is 100% focused on encouraging them to be their best.  Allison uses all her communication and television skills as a creative and innovative force to provide an unparalleled and lasting experience for our students and all of those around her. The unique experience of working with Allison, and extending my own personal brand to that of an educator, has been one of the most exciting and energizing adventures of my entire career. Allison is a rare gem and all our students are beyond lucky to have been taught by her...myself included!"

Tyra Banks


“Allison Kluger gets my highest recommendation for a media consultant. She expertly combines substantial practical experience at the highest levels of the media business with academic prowess from her teaching role at Stanford. Allison has worked closely with three high profile executives that I know well by getting them ready for speaking events and TV appearances. They all agree that Allison is THE BEST. Allison's most remarkable trait is her ability to listen and to modify her suggestions in each individual case to make her client uniquely and confidently the best communicator they can be. Allison also shines in her own right as a speaker for corporate and philanthropic groups. The positive feedback I received on Allison from one event that I hosted last year was overwhelming.”

Ted Janus, J Capital


“Allison Kluger is a rare combination of business acumen, emotional intelligence, and superior communication skills.  I count Allison as a friend and mentor and have enjoyed our collaboration in teaching a completely innovative and original course at Stanford's Graduate School of Business: "Strategic Pivoting for Your Next Chapter." In the years I have known Allison I have valued her counsel and have been impressed by her drive and devotion to her students and clients. I can always count on Allison to give it to me straight.  She has an uncanny ability to give constructive feedback while building confidence to make her clients' performance better. She is one of the most determined and capable people I know.  I like to say, "Nobody crushes "NO" like Allison."  

Alex Rodriguez, ARodCorp


“Allison Kluger is by far the best executive coach I’ve ever worked with. She brings together a truly unique set of skills that add up to transformational growth. She is a master in the technical skills of clear communication, media presence and emotional connection with an audience. She is unmatched in understanding how to emphasize a person’s genuine strengths while dialing down their inherent flaws. Importantly though, her North Star is always about being genuine and bringing out your true self rather than fake polish. Working with Allison is not just about learning new skills but also learning about how to be our best self and to express that self with integrity and joy.”

Chris Larsen, Executive Chairman, Ripple, Inc.


“Thank you so much for graciously extending the invitation to attend your lecture on Executive Presence for Women. Time passed quickly as I sat deeply engrossed in thought while you went over the different facets of women branding and self-promotion. You are such an amazing storyteller, transporting us into your flashback - making us cry with you on the stairwell and feeling your nervousness as you maintain calm in that conference room stressing about crunching numbers. While your successes are truly inspiring, your stories about your failures and difficult situations are what struck a chord with me. Behind your confident smile, there are weak moments that helped you problem solve, request assistance, quickly learn and perform at your best. Your class encapsulated what took me a lifetime to figure out.”



“Sitting in on your class a few days last week was inspiring in ways I can’t fully put into words. I know how incredible you are — I knew it when I was a student in your class at the GSB, and when you took the time to mentor me outside of class even beyond the GBS, and when you continued to be a close mentor and friend over the last three years. But being in your class last week was a visceral reminder of your superpowers and how lucky this community is to have you. You are both powerful and approachable, kind and unafraid to challenge, insightful and emotionally attuned — and always, always caring about the needs and wellbeing of those around you. You demonstrate boldness and power. You exemplify this through your stories in a way that’s well-thought-out and strategic. You remind students to seize opportunities, but not without strategic forethought. Know your chessboard and be two steps — or more — ahead. The way you fluidly connect the dots between your frameworks, responses to student questions, and stories that illuminate second and third level insights is masterful. So many of the insights you mentioned are ones that I’ve held with me over the last four years — four years!! That is rare and wildly impactful for the students, not just now but for years to come.”

Naomi, former student at GSB, 2015 Alum, Colleague


“I have worked alongside Allison for several years now. I've seen the way she supports and encourages her students (and her clients) to be the best versions of themselves. She brings incredible energy and enthusiasm to each engagement, always with a friendly smile and a witty remark to ease the stress. I've recommended her to numerous clients, all of whom rave about her focus, efficiency and clear expertise. She is one of those rare gems who -- despite having achieved success at the highest levels throughout her career -- can maintain a sense of humility, a sense of humor, and a sense of wonder in everything she does.”

Burt Alper, Lecturer, Stanford Graduate School of Business


“Allison is dynamic, high-energy, authentic and gets things done!  She is a great partner to others, and can influence what people do or think about a situation by the way she positions things. She is the consummate communicator and everything she does it done with professionalism and style. I have worked with Allison on a number of projects over the past three years and am always surprised by her innovative and creative ways of looking at things - many things that you never would have thought of before. Allison's students love her! Alumni come back and visit, they call on her for advice and students rank her classes as the best classes they have taken at the school.”

-Kristin Harlan, Director of Strategic Communications, Stanford Graduate School of Business


“Allison is a gifted, respected and beloved educator at Stanford's Graduate School of Business.  She cares deeply and genuinely about every student who walks through her door and attends her class.  She asks thoughtful questions to learn about her student's  history, hopes and dreams in order to help them realize and reach their full potential.  After attending her Executive Presence for Women class Allison stayed in touch with me and encouraged me to translate the theory I learned into practice.  Thanks to Allison's encouragement, confidence in me and continued support, I was able to pivot my career from education to consulting and land my dream job not once, but twice!   If you have the opportunity to take her class or be coached by her consider yourself lucky and know the impact she will have on your life will last a lifetime.”

- Liz Prives, Talent Lead at Sheryl Sandberg & Dave Goldberg Family Foundation (LeanIn.Org | OptionB.Org)


”Thank you for inviting me to speak on the panel last Friday! I loved reflecting on the last year, reconnecting with second year students and fellow panelists, but most of all...I loved seeing you! That is the true highlight :)So many of my classmates loved your presentation on creating your own narrative and I'm grateful for the reminders to keep working on my stories moving forward. Not only are they extraordinarily powerful as communication vehicles - I also realize that these narratives can form the core of who I am and inspire and reassure me in challenging times. How cool is that? I'm so grateful for the direct impact you have had on my life. I am doing research with the d.school to this very day, based on our joint strategy sessions we had at the start of my second year. How I think I've most deeply changed thanks to you is in the way I show up at work (and in my life as well...): the energy I bring into a room, intention in how I present and behave myself, and I'll never forget what you told me...."your warmth is what makes your competence a great experience." I think about that often and it's a gift to have access to both qualities.”

Carolina, former GSB student, GSB alum 2019


“Everyone has a story and something to share that impacts the world.  Allison Kluger is an exceptional communicator who unapologetically shares her truth as a means to teach others about the power of your story.  I have benefited personally and professionally from her wisdom, skill and willingness to help others uncover the best versions of themselves.  I believe in her mission to provide high-quality professional learning and coaching so deeply that I enrolled in her seminar at Stanford and contracted her multiple times to provide her services for the fellows in out Post-Bacc program.  You would be hard-pressed to find someone who is more authentic and transparent to benefit those she encounters.”

Patrice Dawkins-Jackson, Director, Post-Baccalaureate Fellowship Associate, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching 


“Allison Kluger is a remarkable collaborator, partner, and educator. Since 2013 I’ve had the privilege of Co-creating several courses with her at Stanford graduate school of business. She brings an energy, creativity, and professionalism to all that she does. The greatest beneficiaries of her talents are the students who have benefited from her courses and coaching.”

JD Schramm, Ed.D. Director, King Global Leadership Program, Knight-Hennessy Scholars, Stanford University

Organizations I have worked with

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